Simplicity’s Elegance
Participating in a themed exhibit can be a great way to find inspiration and motivation for creating artwork with a specific purpose.
My chosen subject represents a quintessential Nebraska moment in time, where bib overalls and a red husker cap invite the viewer to imagine the conversation that takes place.
Featured Image:
'Gonna Rain?'—watercolor painting by Ken Hosmer
The Prairie Arts Center in North Platte, Nebraska, handpicked a group of talented artists to participate in this unique project.
Skilled photographers volunteered to capture each artist at work on a piece for this show, either in their home studio or in plein air. These photos showcase both the artists in action and individual portraits. The final completed artworks and photographs will be exhibited at the Prairie Arts Center in January 2024.
I feel incredibly honored to participate in this timely project.
While working on my watercolor piece, I chose a minimal style, leaving white space and black lines. This accentuates the gestures of the figures and focuses on simplicity's elegance.