At the Art Barn in Valparaiso, Indiana
The Art Barn is a delectable slice of country charm. What a great place to escape, relax and paint !
I especially love the Indiana countryside in springtime.
Featured Image:
'Springtime'—photo by Ken Hosmer
The sizeable acreage and barn, once a dairy farm, is now an art school—the brainchild of founder and artist Jan Sullivan. Jan passed away last year, but her dream continues as a non-profit 501 (c)3 organization. The current board of directors is hard at work to reorganize and upgrade, assuring that the Art Barn legacy continues.
Jan Sullivan in 2013 with her favorite pets.
The repurposed barn provides a large art studio which seconds as an art gallery displaying the latest painting exhibit. The children's classroom is downstairs, and plans are in place for a pottery studio. The expansive grounds provide a setting for many community events, as well as a hiking trail, and a sprinkling of resident farm animals.
Studio Overview
I certainly enjoyed my recent watercolor workshop at the Art Barn. My visit was highlighted by the kindness of board members and the new manager, Sharon Angelina—a special Thank You to Sharon for picking me up and delivering me to the shuttle bus, and for her kind hospitality.
Farmhouse and Shed
Beginning class each day with the customary presentation and painting demonstration, I soon relaxed into a slower 'country-pace' while I provided individual help to students. The mood continued during lunch break, visiting under the dogwood tree.
Painting Demonstration
Lunch Under the Dogwood Tree
In the evening class members would often get together to enjoy dinner at the various fun eateries, located in the surrounding small towns.
Evening Pizza Get-Together
I left the workshop experience with good memories, new friends—and a plan to return to the Art Barn to teach again next year in early May of 2018.